Sunday, February 28, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Yesterday we got to come home! I woke up pretty early saturday morning to tell the nurse that I had to go home! Which was easy because they all thought both the baby and I were doing really well. The discharge process was a bit frustrating considering a million different doctors and nurses have to come in and check you and the baby and then make my baby upset so then I get to take him home screaming (thank you) Once we got Cody calm, fed, and changed we packed up and came home. I am super happy to be home in my own space where I can get up and go to my kitchen for whatever I want on my own! Don't get me wrong being waited on by nurses hand and foot is nice but after 5 days of being in the hospital, you really start to miss the comfort of your own stuff.
Cody seems to be adjusting well, I am sure it will take some time for all of us including whiskey to get the hang of things around here. I really wish I wasn't in so much pain still I hate not being able to sit or stand at a normal pace or walk up and down the steps more then once daily. I want to just go get in my car and do whatever I want to do, but this is all for the better and hopefully I will be feeling pretty good here in the next few days. I will try and post some more pictures on here either today or tomorrow!

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