Tuesday, August 17, 2010

6 months old!

Wow how time flies...I work at our coffee shop in the Ephrata Hospital once a week and I get to see lots of pregnant women walking in and out all day long and some that just had their babies. And when I see a brand new born baby its hard to remember Cody like that. I mean he was a big boy when he was born but now he is just a peanut! Last night he decided he was not going to sleep at 8:00 he was going to sleep at 10:00 after he started practicing his crawling techniques! He is something else I love him so much and every day he makes me laugh.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My little cupcake eater

5 1/2 months and so stinking cute! My mom and I took Cody to get his pictures taken this week at the mall. I am not sure why we thought this was a good idea especially when he still naps for most of the day and we had to keep him up way past nap time. Little did I know that he would not sleep for the rest of the day. We did manage to get a few nice pictures of him. I cannot believe that he is almost 6months old. He is getting big, but still fitting into some 3 month clothes...He is just a peanut I guess. He has no interest in trying to get up on his knees yet to learn how to crawl, he just wants his fingers in his mouth all the time! His cousin Hailey wrestles him every Wednesday when Cody goes to my sisters house while I am at work, Cody doesnt seem to mind but I think Hailey would like him to start moving around a little. In the meantime he laughs and plays a lot. He loves when Justin comes home from work just in time to play with him for a few mins before bed, I just dont understand how he can get Cody to laugh as hard as he does! Maybe next time Justin can come along to get Codys pictures taken. Well thats all for now, we are just waiting for Cody to learn to start crawling, then we will have to baby proof our house! OH BOY...On a side note...Cody just gained a new friend last night at 11:48pm Carter 6lbs 6oz 19 inches...Congrats Emily we cant wait to meet him!