Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Whiskey Time

The more Cody grows the more I think Whiskey is becoming his best friend. The other night Cody was really fussy so I took him into his room and laid him in his boppy on the floor. We turned on music and that seemed to calm him down, so I then started to clean his room and reorganize things. I walked out of the room for literally 2 mins and when I came back I found Whiskey laying right next to Cody with his head next to Cody's on the boppy. And well Cody was asleep at this point but Whiskey I think felt like he was being helpful by watching him while I left the room.
Also Cody this week was switched over to a faster flowing bottle nipple which I really think he appreciates, but at the same time now I think he wants more! As from before it took so long to eat I think he got bored. Also he wants to so badly hold his own bottle but hasnt seem to master that skill just yet!

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