Tuesday, August 17, 2010
6 months old!
Wow how time flies...I work at our coffee shop in the Ephrata Hospital once a week and I get to see lots of pregnant women walking in and out all day long and some that just had their babies. And when I see a brand new born baby its hard to remember Cody like that. I mean he was a big boy when he was born but now he is just a peanut! Last night he decided he was not going to sleep at 8:00 he was going to sleep at 10:00 after he started practicing his crawling techniques! He is something else I love him so much and every day he makes me laugh.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
My little cupcake eater
5 1/2 months and so stinking cute! My mom and I took Cody to get his pictures taken this week at the mall. I am not sure why we thought this was a good idea especially when he still naps for most of the day and we had to keep him up way past nap time. Little did I know that he would not sleep for the rest of the day. We did manage to get a few nice pictures of him. I cannot believe that he is almost 6months old. He is getting big, but still fitting into some 3 month clothes...He is just a peanut I guess. He has no interest in trying to get up on his knees yet to learn how to crawl, he just wants his fingers in his mouth all the time! His cousin Hailey wrestles him every Wednesday when Cody goes to my sisters house while I am at work, Cody doesnt seem to mind but I think Hailey would like him to start moving around a little. In the meantime he laughs and plays a lot. He loves when Justin comes home from work just in time to play with him for a few mins before bed, I just dont understand how he can get Cody to laugh as hard as he does! Maybe next time Justin can come along to get Codys pictures taken. Well thats all for now, we are just waiting for Cody to learn to start crawling, then we will have to baby proof our house! OH BOY...On a side note...Cody just gained a new friend last night at 11:48pm Carter 6lbs 6oz 19 inches...Congrats Emily we cant wait to meet him!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Furture Swimmer
I think it is safe to say that we have a future swimmer on our hands! I must admit the first time i took Cody in the pool I was a little nervous he would scream and cry. To my surprise we was very calm, he laughed, and even kicked his legs like he wanted to go somewhere. And these days with how hot it has been the pool has been a great place to hang out not only for me but for Cody too! OH we also took out very first beach trip this past weekend. Cody LOVED the beach, he slept all day and was super happy. He even got to stick his feet in the water before we left.
A few weeks ago Cody started eating cereal and he is so happy with life. I love all the firsts we get to experience with Cody right now. It is like every day is something new, we either learn something new about being parents or Cody learns or experiences something new.
I am loving Summer and the time we are getting to spend with our families and friends, but I do not love this heatwave...and neither does Whiskey(he doesnt like the pool at all) Well we are excited to watch Cody grow and learn and do new things every day. And I will do my best to share them with every one as they come.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Getting soooo big
Cody is 4 months now and growing like a weed!I am so glad summer is here it makes the time go a little faster it seems like. And before we know it, it will be September and Cody will be 7 months old! But for now he is loving life more and more every day. He started eating cereal and fruit in the last couple weeks and I think he really likes it. I know I do! Cody is getting so strong too, he loves playing on his playmat and grabbing anything he can.
I took on another job for the summer so my schedule has been really crazy but I love the time I get to spend with Cody and Justin when I am home. Justin has been working SO much lately as well. This Justin and his brother Dillon will be going to the PA Grand Canyon to go hiking and spending some time together before Dillon goes off to boot camp!
I am so excited to the 4th of July this weekend I know I will be enjoying a nice cook out and some frosty drinks!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Whiskey Time
The more Cody grows the more I think Whiskey is becoming his best friend. The other night Cody was really fussy so I took him into his room and laid him in his boppy on the floor. We turned on music and that seemed to calm him down, so I then started to clean his room and reorganize things. I walked out of the room for literally 2 mins and when I came back I found Whiskey laying right next to Cody with his head next to Cody's on the boppy. And well Cody was asleep at this point but Whiskey I think felt like he was being helpful by watching him while I left the room.
Also Cody this week was switched over to a faster flowing bottle nipple which I really think he appreciates, but at the same time now I think he wants more! As from before it took so long to eat I think he got bored. Also he wants to so badly hold his own bottle but hasnt seem to master that skill just yet!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
3 months old!
Cody will be 3 months old this week! I am not sure why the first 2 months flew by so fast but this last month just really seemed like it slowed down. I cannot believe how big he is getting, every day I think he looks bigger. He has been laughing and giggling and smiling all the time. The last few days have been rough I think it is because we tried to change baby formulas and that did not go over so well. So then the doctor told us to change from Parents choice gentle to sensitive. Well now he cannot go to the bathroom, so it looks like we are just going to be switching back to Good start gentle plus. I think it agrees with his stomach better. Last weekend Justin came home from a week away in San Antonio. Cody and I missed him very much while he was away. It is definitely a challenge being home alone with a 3 month old and working fulltime if you are not used to that. I really do appreciate the time Justin spends with Cody while I am working nights. But thanks to my wonderful family I did get a lot of help last week.
Also last weekend right after I picked Justin up from the airport we drove right to the National Harbor right outside D.C. to go to this really sweet piano bar! Justin's cousin Adam is leaving for the middle east in a about a month and it was our last opportunity to see him before he goes away for a year! Once I get the pictures from Mindy (adams wife) I will put some up on the blog.
Next weekend my little brother will be getting married so this week will be very busy for every one. I will make sure to take lots of pictures so that way next week I will have something new to post! Jill I really hope this post keeps you busy for a few mins monday morning! :)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
First Mothers Day
I am sorry to all my followers ( aka just Jill ) for not updating as much as I should. Cody has been growing so fast right in front of our eyes. He started smiling a few weeks ago and is trying really hard to laugh and find his voice. This past weekend he discovered he had hands and feet because he spend a very long time staring at them, and he tries to grab his feet every once in a while. Also yesterday both times I put him on his belly to play I walked out of the room and came back in and he was on his back!
I love being a mom it is such a wonderful thing. I love coming home from work every day to see Cody smiling and trying to talk to everyone. Sure he still has his days and moments that are rough but I don't think those days ever go away. Yesterday while both Justin and Cody napped I took some time to catch up on Cody's baby book. I got to write him a letter he can read the day he graduates high school, which was actually a lot of fun to write. I also tapped in his hospital bracelets and newspaper headings from the day he was born.
This morning I was woken up by the wonderful smell of bacon when my husband ran into the room and jumped on our bed. Cody had been fed and put back down for his morning nap and I had an amazing breakfast waiting! This is starting to shape up to a pretty great mothers day. Jill thank you for reading my blog and encouraging me to update! I hope this keeps you entertained at work for at least a few mins! You should start your own blog so I can read about all the crazy things you and Adam do week to week. Plus I would like to read about your dogs they are just as crazy as little kids!
Happy mothers day to all the moms out there!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
3 pounds lighter
So as of last week I decided to join a program that our local gym offers called the Biggest Loser. I NEED to loose my baby weight and then some for all the upcoming weddings for the summer. I started Monday when I met with my team for the first time and our first weigh in was Thursday, so in 3 days we were expected to loose some weight. I was really nervous when I went to step on the scale after most of my team mates had lost anywhere from 5-10 pounds. To my surprise I did loose 3 pounds in 3 days! I have another weigh in this coming up Thursday and I am again a little nervous. I am a little sore today after strength training with my team yesterday and then doing a class called body flex. Which is also weight lifting and a team mate invited me to come along this morning. Well let me tell you, I am sure by the end of today I won't be able to walk up my steps.
My goal my May 30th is to have loss at least 15 pounds. It really has been a lifestyle change for me. Last week when I started the program I also went back to work full time and coming off a pregnancy that I pretty much ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. And now I am fitting time into each and every day to work out some how and counting my calories and writing down every thing that goes into my mouth.
I am hoping by June 20th I will look and feel like myself again, and by that I mean 20 pounds lighter and a lot healthier!
My goal my May 30th is to have loss at least 15 pounds. It really has been a lifestyle change for me. Last week when I started the program I also went back to work full time and coming off a pregnancy that I pretty much ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. And now I am fitting time into each and every day to work out some how and counting my calories and writing down every thing that goes into my mouth.
I am hoping by June 20th I will look and feel like myself again, and by that I mean 20 pounds lighter and a lot healthier!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Wacky Wednesdays
I know I am a little behind on the blogging. But Wednesdays each weeks have seem to be getting quite interesting. Ashley has both her girls plus Cody all day Wednesdays until 2:00, Then I go to her house she leaves for soccer and I have all the kids until 4. Then I pack all 3 kids up in the mini van and take both girls to Grand Dees and Grand Jans. But during the time I have them for two hours is great. I love getting Addison up from her nap so she can tell me all the funny things she is learning. Including telling me she "Pooped" when really she didnt. Or "Can Cody play?" This past Wednesday was the first time I saw Hailey cracking up the whole time at herself and making all sorts of noises having herself a great time. Cody finally started smiling this week at actual things and people. Justin is loving this because he says Cody loves him now! (which clearly he always has) Well thats about all I got, this was my first week back to work and it went pretty well and I am happy for the time I get to work and then come home and spend with the little Codman because i missed him all day long!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Summer So Soon?
I just wanted to take time and post a picture of what the weather was like just two short months ago and now today we are at a high of 89degrees! I would like to say I do not miss the snow but now that I am not pregnant I really am sad I missed all the snow when I could have been snowboarding. I just hope for a great winter next year! And as far as this summer weather...well its great but I am not ready to turn on my AC and all I know is that is very warm in our house!
Cody is growing so big every day even though he only grew 1/2 an inch since February 24th! But I guess since he came out 6ft something (or 22inches ha) He is in the 90th percentile for his height but everything else is average. He had to get his second Hep B shot yesterday which was not fun! Cody has been fighting a cold along with a really bad butt rash! So we havent been sleeping much and our eating schedule seems to be all out of sorts too.
Justin just finished up teaching his last week of his Combat Medic class which was a bit rough on everyone considering he has to spend the night up at work a few nights, normally this would be fine but with a very sick crabby baby it was a bit of a challenge. As for me it is back to work next week! I am really excited to go back to work then I will actually feel like I am doing something during the day other then waiting around for Cody to eat or cry. It will be great because Cody will now get regular Nana time during the week which he will very much love!
Hopefully the weather doesn't get too cold again but more normal spring time temps would be nice!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Mommy and Daddy time!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Cold & Yard Sale Season
Well it looks like we are not quite out of cold season yet. A few days ago I woke up with a scrathcy throat that has now turned into a really sore throat and ears! Also not to mention my child is having a rough day. He started getting a little on the snotty side the other day and now his nose is all stuffy. We started using the booger sucker which Cody does not love but it is the only way to make a baby feel better when they have a cold. Eating is rough for him today because he is having a hard time breathing not to mention the really bad butt rash he woke up with.
So today was the first saturday of the year that I got myself out of bed at 530am, fed Cody, and ventured out into the cold for some good yard saling! My sister and I found a ton of great stuff today including, legos and a lego table, clothes, car seat for Hailey, VHS Movies (yes thats right I still have a VHS player), and a turtle that holds more legos! It is great when yard sale season rolls around and you know you (or your sister) is crazy because they ripped out the yard sale postings from the new paper and knows excatly where to find all the good deals! Also not to mention leaving at 6am when yard sales do not really open until 7am. You have to get there before all the mennonites or you will miss out! Like the sweet pack n play that I was looking for ALL morning and was 2seconds too late and lost a good deal!
I am looking foward to the weather getting warmer for a few reasons, ONE: Little kids are not as snotty and germy in the summer/fall, TWO: MORE yard sales to hunt out when the weather is nicer, and THREE: Cook outs on weekends are the best!
Friday, March 26, 2010
1 month old
Well Cody is now over 1 month old! I can not believe it has been more then a month since the 18 hour labor that turned into a C-section. Cody is growing so much every day and is becoming more and more handsome! I think Justin and I are finally getting into the lifestyle of having a baby, the feedings have become easier, the changing has becoming a little easier and quicker, and bedtime seems to go smoothly. Cody is sleeping any where from 5-6 hours at night (minus the 4am wake up call for his pacifier) I love that he is starting to look around more and be able to enjoy his playmat. I am ready to go back to work, even though it is nice being home during the day. It just seems like I have been cut off from the world. Plus Cody likes going to Nanas during the day because she loves up on him. This weekend is going to be cold again which is no good...but we will be getting ready for yard sale season wooohooo!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Cody and Hailey
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Making a schedule
Well its been a while since my last blog...sorry for those of you who like to keep updated. 3 weeks now since Cody has finally joined our family. It definitely has been a learning curve for me and Justin. Now that Justin is back to work I am home to try and get me and Cody on some sort of schedule. I mean that is what you are supposed to do right? From a huge load of baby laundry every other day to the changing diapers every 2seconds (so it seems) It doesn't seem like there is a whole lot of time for a set schedule. I love being a mom and watching Cody grow every day. The sleeping through the night is more sleep then most babies get from what I hear so I can complain there. He is not a super fussy baby (only when its time to eat, or when he has gas) He already has a cute personality that I cannot wait to watch him grow up into a handsome little boy!
Justin went back to work this week, which has been good for the both of us, but lonely at times during the day for me. Yesterday the dog decided to have an accident all over my dining room floor, which freaked me right out! So last night we went to Wise rented a steam cleaner and Justin cleaned the whole dining room in no time flat! Other then that nothing else too exciting, I will try and keep posting new pictures or Cody as he grows.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Stop and Smell the... well... baby poop.
Ok, so... by popular demand, I am taking another moment in time to brand my thoughts for the day into cyberspace. I never really saw this coming, and it really is developing slowly, however I may just make some sort of regular 'appearance' if you will on this blog. Who knows, I may just visit some others too, as if they were the daily news. Still no Twitter... just a blog or two.
As for my recent feelings regarding our new addition, allow me to refer to a short passage from a conversation I had with an acquaintance recently. I was asked, "how are you hanging in there?"
At that point, I could only reply with, "I'm exhausted."
The acknowledgment I got in return was, "Yeah... I bet you're still in that adjustment period."
In retrospect, I have come to the conclusion that the "adjustment period" quite likely began last week on February 24th at about 7:42AM, and it may very literally last through the rest of this century. What I am getting at is that round about last year this time, Amanda and I chose a walk on a much different trail than we had ever traveled before; a walk that comes complete with twists and turns, and the occasional poopy diaper (at which, by the way, I am pretty decent at changing). We've only been home from the hospital for about 2 or 3 days so far, and although in a perfect world I could report that everything as going just peachy... in all actuality, echos of this "adjustment period" bounce through my every task at hand. At times, it can become a bit frustrating. Lets be completely honest... no one enjoys a quad-nightly interruption in their sleep from a beckoning baby, or a poop rocket into a perfectly clean, just-changed diaper. No one can honestly say that they enjoy an interruption in their dinner to feed a baby or prepare for future feedings (pump). The Army teaches its soldiers to adapt to the contemporary operating environment utilizing lessons-learned from the battlefield to maintain themselves accordingly. Encompassing this mentality, and lessons-learned from the nursery, I know that with all the turmoil and craziness that is child-rearing, one needs to find an outlet or outlets to maintain their sanity.
In the past day or so I have learned to be one of the quickest diaper changers ever, paying little attention to the screaming child on the table in from of me because of an internet-based program recently introduced to me, Pandora.com. Listening to a station I love allows me to refocus all of my energy from the shrill cries and get the job done efficiently. Yet another outlet I have found is in my wife. I know she thinks the world of me right now, and she loves the support I have attempted, but, truth be told, I am no Super Man. I am not invincible, and I too, need my breaks from the action. Whenever I am on edge, she is very quick to help bring me back down to the speed of life, to make me stop and smell that baby poop. Below is just one example of her efforts... Officially, I must say though, in closing, that I am not here to judge her; you can draw your own conclusions. I am just presenting this for the viewing pleasure of the public. Until next time... Justin.
As for my recent feelings regarding our new addition, allow me to refer to a short passage from a conversation I had with an acquaintance recently. I was asked, "how are you hanging in there?"
At that point, I could only reply with, "I'm exhausted."
The acknowledgment I got in return was, "Yeah... I bet you're still in that adjustment period."
In retrospect, I have come to the conclusion that the "adjustment period" quite likely began last week on February 24th at about 7:42AM, and it may very literally last through the rest of this century. What I am getting at is that round about last year this time, Amanda and I chose a walk on a much different trail than we had ever traveled before; a walk that comes complete with twists and turns, and the occasional poopy diaper (at which, by the way, I am pretty decent at changing). We've only been home from the hospital for about 2 or 3 days so far, and although in a perfect world I could report that everything as going just peachy... in all actuality, echos of this "adjustment period" bounce through my every task at hand. At times, it can become a bit frustrating. Lets be completely honest... no one enjoys a quad-nightly interruption in their sleep from a beckoning baby, or a poop rocket into a perfectly clean, just-changed diaper. No one can honestly say that they enjoy an interruption in their dinner to feed a baby or prepare for future feedings (pump). The Army teaches its soldiers to adapt to the contemporary operating environment utilizing lessons-learned from the battlefield to maintain themselves accordingly. Encompassing this mentality, and lessons-learned from the nursery, I know that with all the turmoil and craziness that is child-rearing, one needs to find an outlet or outlets to maintain their sanity.
In the past day or so I have learned to be one of the quickest diaper changers ever, paying little attention to the screaming child on the table in from of me because of an internet-based program recently introduced to me, Pandora.com. Listening to a station I love allows me to refocus all of my energy from the shrill cries and get the job done efficiently. Yet another outlet I have found is in my wife. I know she thinks the world of me right now, and she loves the support I have attempted, but, truth be told, I am no Super Man. I am not invincible, and I too, need my breaks from the action. Whenever I am on edge, she is very quick to help bring me back down to the speed of life, to make me stop and smell that baby poop. Below is just one example of her efforts... Officially, I must say though, in closing, that I am not here to judge her; you can draw your own conclusions. I am just presenting this for the viewing pleasure of the public. Until next time... Justin.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Home Sweet Home
Yesterday we got to come home! I woke up pretty early saturday morning to tell the nurse that I had to go home! Which was easy because they all thought both the baby and I were doing really well. The discharge process was a bit frustrating considering a million different doctors and nurses have to come in and check you and the baby and then make my baby upset so then I get to take him home screaming (thank you) Once we got Cody calm, fed, and changed we packed up and came home. I am super happy to be home in my own space where I can get up and go to my kitchen for whatever I want on my own! Don't get me wrong being waited on by nurses hand and foot is nice but after 5 days of being in the hospital, you really start to miss the comfort of your own stuff.
Cody seems to be adjusting well, I am sure it will take some time for all of us including whiskey to get the hang of things around here. I really wish I wasn't in so much pain still I hate not being able to sit or stand at a normal pace or walk up and down the steps more then once daily. I want to just go get in my car and do whatever I want to do, but this is all for the better and hopefully I will be feeling pretty good here in the next few days. I will try and post some more pictures on here either today or tomorrow!
Cody seems to be adjusting well, I am sure it will take some time for all of us including whiskey to get the hang of things around here. I really wish I wasn't in so much pain still I hate not being able to sit or stand at a normal pace or walk up and down the steps more then once daily. I want to just go get in my car and do whatever I want to do, but this is all for the better and hopefully I will be feeling pretty good here in the next few days. I will try and post some more pictures on here either today or tomorrow!
Friday, February 26, 2010
My Husband Rocks! Friday
Well I cannot believe its Friday for one. Two more days and we can go home from the hospital. My Husband ROCKS he has been super supportive and loving and caring this last week. From the minute i went into labor, to helping me get in and out of bed after my c-section, to changing almost every diaper since we have been here with Cody. I cannot even begin to express my appreciation and respect I have for him. He really has been my rock and strength this week. Justin loves being a dad I can tell already because every time Cody needs something and I try to go and get him Justin is right there telling me to lay back down and rest. Justin is probably one of the best swaddlers I know he watched a nurse do it one time and since then it seems to be one of Codys favorite things. I really love my husband so much and God knows how much i needed him this last week and with out Justin I wouldnt have this very handsome little boy as a son. SO this week I wanted everyone to know how much my Husband ROCKS!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Daddy's First Post
So "we've" been blogging for months now, and truthfully, I've never been a part of the creation of ANY of the posts. Mostly, they still have been reflections of our life experiences, just through the eyes of Amanda. Notwithstanding, all of the posts have been pretty accurate depictions of what is was like waiting for our first son to arrive (except the picture where Whiskey was frolicking happily through the snow during 'the Blizzard of 2010'; that was more of an optical illusion, as that dog would NEVER voluntarily put himself into a position where he is anywhere within a 50 mile radius of snow). Continuing, the extent of my involvement in these blogs so far has led to me reading them and reflecting on the happenings around us. I'm not much of a blogger; never claimed to be, never will... be forewarned. I don't have a twitter account and I only use Facebook so I can harvest my crops on FarmVille. My MySpace account was created to connect me to the outside world while I was serving in Iraq, and truthfully, I've barely signed onto it since I returned on Father's Day 2006. I have Blackberry Messenger on my phone, and my contact list is a whopping 1 friend long. The point is, this blog post may very well break every blog rule that ever existed- blog length, blog content, blog etiquette... anything goes.
What I AM aware of however, and what I do know is that the birth of a child is anything but predictable. To enlighten you on my initial thoughts as to how this whole process was going to play out, I've highlighted several key points:
1. I prepared myself for an annoying experience with my mother-in-law in the delivery room.
2. I prepared myself for an excruciating experience with my wife. I truly thought she was going to become the chick from the exorcist.
3. We arrived at the hospital at about 1:30PM on Tuesday, and I projected a delivery in the next few hours.
4. We talked about a natural birth, and every nurse and midwife said it'd be no problem.
5. "Daddy" is expected to stay with "Mommy" during recovery, and there just HAVE to be comfortable pullout beds for him... I just KNOW it...
As you may well be pondering already, this experience for me(US) was anything but surrounded by predictability. At about 10:00AM on Tuesday, I read a text message for Amanda from her mother... "I'm coming over no matter what Justin says". Shortly after that, no matter how much I tried to convince myself in my mind that her presence wasn't a necessity, I soon realized that she was nothing less than a God-send. Kim was THE MOST SUPPORTIVE person for me from START to FINISH. Had I voiced my opinion on her initial arrival at our house, I may very well not have had what I needed to make it though it all. In the words of Kim Wilson, we were, “the best birthing team in the whole world.” To further impress me, Amanda handled her labor pains with ease. She took to our encouragement and suggestive remarks and quickly fell into a routine as each contraction came. There were no expletives or flying medical supplies… just courage, concentration, and steadfast heroism. Needless to say, I have a new found respect for my beautiful wife. She is my HERO. As time went on throughout the day on Tuesday, I glanced at the clock; and each time I did, my nerves got more and more anxious and my body fell more and more into a drunken stupor, completely deprived of rest. Kim and I took turns on labor watch, and eventually we were into our second day of events. It was determined that a natural birth was not possible, and thus a Cesarean style delivery would be performed. Not only would Amanda receive a life-long reminder of her birthing experience by way of an incision, but her delivery was performed while she was under full general anesthesia. She met Cody for the first time in our recovery room after he was born at 7:42AM - 8lbs 8oz. While I am inclined to return home for my own selfish reasons (a perfectly comfortable, personal queen sized bed), I feel I owe it to Amanda to stay with her and assist through some if not most of the evenings here at the hospital. The accommodations here are more than generous for the spouses [sarcasm]. I can’t wait to conclude this blog and sleep on my spring loaded mattress as it jabs me in the sides while I sleep [more sarcasm]. At least the hospital food is awesome [I need not comment on the sarcasm here]. Concluding, this pregnancy and delivery of our first child has been anything but predictable for me. I think though, what I’ve learned is that it’s the unpredictable things that are the most memorable in the end. I’m so excited for all of the future surprises that lie ahead, and if I can add one more thing… I LOVE my newly renovated family.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Contraction Pains
Well it has now been 24hours since I started having consistent contractions. They didn't start off so bad. We went out to dinner came home I went to bed and then around 130am I woke up due to the fact they were getting a little stronger. The on-call midwife told me to get benadryl and go back to sleep. So I did that and it worked...for a few hours...Then this morning they were a little bit worse so I called into the doctors and they had me come in to get checked. Well not much to report I was/am dilated only 1...but they hooked me up to a monitor because they were concerned that Cody man wasnt moving around so much. After that they sent me to the hospital to be further evaluated and well not much good came from that either! I know midwifes know a lot and blah blah blah...but what I dont understand is why they feel the need to be mean. This midwife came in and got in my face and told me I am not in labor because my face didnt look like it was in labor. Then I told her well that is great but I am in a pretty good amount of pain. She then told me yeah well you could feel this way for weeks sorry about your luck go home! So now we are back home and my contractions seem to be the same getting a little stronger every once in a while. So now we are playing the waiting game and MAYBE we will end up in the hospital tonight sometime but who knows! We are still waiting...
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentines Day
Well it has seem to be a pretty crazy week around here. I love snow so the blizzard didn't really effect me too much...other then the fact they made Justin drive 45mins to work in the middle of the storm...and of course he drove back since it was our 2 year anniversary and wanted to spend time with me! This weekend we went to the sportsmen outdoor show in Harrisburg which was fun for Justin and Bruce but for me I was just trying to walk as much as I could to get Cody out! I am getting very tired and ready to have my body back. I know every women reading this is not feeling the least bit of sympathy for me but that's ok! Justin is putting up shelves in our basement this morning so we can actually have some organization in our house. We are also going with our friends the Kullman's today to see a movie which should be a lot of fun because we never see them and I really want to see Dear John. Which I heard isn't as good as the book, but I think that is the case for every movie they make from a book. Well that is all I have for now, I am done working so I am going to find ways to make Cody come asap we are ready, even though everyone else says to just enjoy the time I have left...well its a little hard when you dont sleep and you feel huge! Until he comes Justin and I are still getting over our colds (thanks ash). Hopefully this week we will have exciting news...but maybe not...
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Blizzard 2010
This is just a little bit of our day Saturday. We ended up going over to Ash and Craigs for dinner where Justin made a great deer steak with a strawberry and blueberry sauce! I love snow and I really hope we get a foot more! Well two more weeks till Codys due date but I think within the next week we will be meeting him face to face...that is if the doctor feels bad for me tomorrow. My mom is crazy and keeps texting me and telling me to have lots of sex and to drink some weird tea! Except my WHOLE family is leaving this weekend to go away to the cabin up in the Poconos I am not totally sure why when I had a dream Cody is coming on February 13th which is this Saturday. They did try to convince me and Justin that we should go too and if I go into labor we can just drive home...oh right that is exactly what I want to do be in labor for two hours in the car on the way back home from the cabin to the hospital! I THINK NOT sorry family ha. Well we will see what this week brings, hopefully another snow storm and a baby!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
I love my boys
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My sick Niece
Well I was going to blog yesterday but I lost track of time. My 8 week old niece went into the hospital yesterday with an upper respiratory infection. :( there are about 5 or 6 other babies in Peds with the same thing...so i guess it is going around...Poor Hailey. Ash stayed in the hospital last night with her and the doctor told her Hailey has to stay 3 to 5 days. So please be praying for Ash and Craig and her kids that everyone gets healthy soon and Hailey can come home.
As for me and Justin and Cody, we are still just waiting and still ready for him to be here...except when i went to the doctors the other day they checked me and said sorry it will probably be a while still!
Justin finished one bathroom and it looks great, also we took of the wallpaper in our bedroom and painted it so it doesnt look so boring any more! The only thing left to do is finish the powder room!
Maybe it is a good thing Cody is staying in as long as possible because all the babies around here are sick and this way Cody can stay healthy. That is all I have for now, this weekend we will be just hanging out doing superbowl festivities and cleaning our house!
As for me and Justin and Cody, we are still just waiting and still ready for him to be here...except when i went to the doctors the other day they checked me and said sorry it will probably be a while still!
Justin finished one bathroom and it looks great, also we took of the wallpaper in our bedroom and painted it so it doesnt look so boring any more! The only thing left to do is finish the powder room!
Maybe it is a good thing Cody is staying in as long as possible because all the babies around here are sick and this way Cody can stay healthy. That is all I have for now, this weekend we will be just hanging out doing superbowl festivities and cleaning our house!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Sunday Haus Pankcakes and a new Griddle
Yesterday morning we used our new griddle that we got for Christmas thanks to CRASH who took notice in the fact that I love making pancakes but making them in pan is not that great! We also used our breakfast of the month club pancake mix and peach syrup! You might be thinking that the pancakes look a little on the dark side...well haven't you ever heard your first batch you always throw out...plus it was the first time using the griddle :) Pancakes were great and so was the syrup!
Last night we went out to Lancaster Brewing Company for my little brother Alex's 21st birthday. We had a great time and then Justin and I went out to the Brickyard with him and his friends which was nice, it made me miss going out in my college days. But soon enough I will be able to drink a nice frosty beer!
Today Justin and I are continuing house construction hoping to finish both downstairs bathrooms and paint the bedroom before Cody comes...Last night at dinner my mom had everyone write on money when they thought he was coming and how big he will be. So feel free to place your bets! I mean if i have to suffer through a few more weeks I might as well try and get some money out of it!
Last night we went out to Lancaster Brewing Company for my little brother Alex's 21st birthday. We had a great time and then Justin and I went out to the Brickyard with him and his friends which was nice, it made me miss going out in my college days. But soon enough I will be able to drink a nice frosty beer!
Today Justin and I are continuing house construction hoping to finish both downstairs bathrooms and paint the bedroom before Cody comes...Last night at dinner my mom had everyone write on money when they thought he was coming and how big he will be. So feel free to place your bets! I mean if i have to suffer through a few more weeks I might as well try and get some money out of it!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
This week all of our stuff came for "The month Clubs" We got Breakfast of the month which included Pancake/Waffle mix and a peach syrup, Cheesecake of the month which was this amazing raspberry cheesecake, and finally ICE CREAM of the month which we got 4 flavors...Maple Blondie, Sherbet, Moose Tracks, and some chocolate mint ice cream with andies chocolate mints, thin mints, and fudge swirls!
When the ice cream came yesterday it was in a foam container with little ice cube pieces all inside. NOW i thought it was a little strange they would put regular ice cubes in the box but the ice cream was frozen so I wasn't too bothered by it. So I dumped the ice in the sink and turned on the hot water to melt it, When I turned around my WHOLE kitchen was full of smoke...YES thats right it was dry ice and not regular ice! BUT no where on the box or around the box did it say it was dry ice. Every time I have seen dry ice it has been wrapped in a package of come sort which a warning or caution label on it. So if you are wondering what the picture is of whiskey standing by the sink and something overflowing...its the dry ice in the sink!
So that was the highlight on my weeks so far, this weekend Justin and I both have off and hopefully will get most of both downstairs bathrooms finished but we will see!
OH YEA I forgot my mom wants to start a game to see who can guess when Cody will actually come...My real due date is February 25th, my bet is on February 13th!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
MFM Appointment
Well I am not going to say I wasn't disappointed when the MFM doctor came in and said "OK you are good just go home and within 4 weeks you won't be pregnant any more" Geee thanks...The important part is that he is doing great and I am doing great and we are both healthy. I am maybe done being pregnant and a little on the tired side, but lets face it I guess every pregnant women goes through that at the end.
Cody is measuring a week and a half ahead of schedule so either he is coming in less then 2 weeks! OR he is just a big...all I know is he has the cutest nose and cheeks ever!
NOW to the most important part of my whole day, When we pulled up to the doctors office there was an older man getting out of his car next to us and as I got out I looked over and there he was emptying his bladder right next to his car! YES THATS RIGHT HE WAS PEEING NEXT TO THE CAR. For everyone to see, and he could have just walked 10 more feet inside and used the bathroom like a normal human...but NO of course he just whipped it right out and I just happened to be there at that moment in time to share his bathroom experience with him! SO THANK YOU guy for the lovely image I will now carry in my head at least until tomorrow!
Other then that this week has been moving right along and I am ready to birth this kid out! :)
Friday, January 22, 2010
Sorry its been so long since I have updated I know my sister is waiting for me to put up pictures from the Rodeo. So here they are...sorry if some of them are blurry even though we had front row seats and got dirt kicked on us, it is a bit hard to take good pictures when those crazy animals move that fast.
OK so this week was a bit crazy I am glad it is the weekend but not super glad I work tomorrow and Sunday but it must be done.
I went to the doctors on Tuesday and well they are clueless which doesn't make me feel to great. I got some blood work back and now I have to go back to the maternal fetal medicine doctor not sure why but I don't think its anything to worry about. Also I had high protein in my pee so they made me pee in a JUG for 24 hours....yes thats right a JUG. I wish I would have taken a picture of this thing, no lie a man invented it. First off there was NO WAY I could squat and pee into that thing on a normal day let alone being 8 months pregnant! I MEAN COME ON, it is hard enough to pee sitting down these days. Long story short it came back and things are fine, iron level is a little low but they want me to take iron pills (i think i will pass, considering i wont be able to go then either) if you get my drift.
Justin is just about done painting the living room, one more wall...then its on to the two bathrooms.
Oh yea and the best part of my week...Justin stalking the deer in the field next to our house...I guess this had a little something to do with me. I got home one night to find a couple of Doe in the field and called Justin. He then wanted me to SHOOT them but i clearly did not know how to do that when there was nothing in the house to do that with. NOT to mention we live on a street with other houses and hunting season is over! So once Justin got home from work it was dark and he made me walk into the field with him to find the Deer that were hiding in the woods.
Tonight we are going for Fondue at Crashs!!!!!!! Maybe ill have some fun pictures from that, also BRUCE IS HOME FOR GOOD! He is a good friend of ours and has been in Iraq for the last year so we are super excited he is home and safe...He will be coming down to spend the day with us tomorrow and we are going to Hershey to hang out and then out to Red Robin.
OK well have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Taco Night
Tonight I made Tacos...Justin 2nd favorite meal, last night was cheese steaks. I also used my new brownie pan that already has the cuts in the brownie...thats amazing! After dinner Justin went to shoot his bow at the archery shop. Our house is 100% clean so the only thing left to do is relax! Happy Thursday every one...One more day till the weekend!
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